We Are All Artists • Jan 27th at 2pm

我们都是艺术家  •  我們都是藝術家  •  WE ARE ALL ARTISTS
Why Art and Storytelling Matter to Chinese Seniors
Sunday, January 27th, 2019 from 2pm to 4:30pm
at Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden
(578 Carrall Street, Venue Sponsor)
Free event but space is limited. Entry is first come first served.
Cantonese, Mandarin, and ASL interpretation provided.
Facebook Event Page

WePress presents a preview of their forthcoming book featuring a collection of stories by Chinese seniors from Vancouver’s Chinatown. The book will be the culmination of a series of intergenerational storytelling and art-making workshops and forefronts Chinese seniors’ voices and experiences.

During workshops held at WePress, Carnegie Community Centre, and nə́c̓aʔmat ct Strathcona Branch of the Vancouver Public Library, Chinese seniors explored various themes, including friendship, home, food, health, and gardens while they made art, including rice paper flowers, brush painting and calligraphy, and hand-carved rubber block prints. The seniors shared intimate stories of joy, finding community, hardships of migration, and struggles against displacement with young Chinese Canadians who listened, asked questions, and recorded the seniors’ stories. With care, these stories will be transcribed, translated, and curated to document the untold contemporary narratives of Chinese Canadians that are crucial to the future of Chinatown. The book will be available in Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and English.

Join us for an afternoon of stories, mingling, art-making, and a chance to pre-order the book. Guests will enjoy tea and refreshments and get a chance to meet the Chinese seniors whose stories are featured.

This project is a collaboration of WePress and the Powell Street Festival Society, with participating organizations Yarrow Intergenerational Society for Justice, Carnegie Community Centre and Oppenheimer Park, Gallery Gachet, nə́c̓aʔmat ct Strathcona Branch of the Vancouver Public Library, and our Venue Sponsor, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden.

We thank the Vancouver Foundation, Government of Canada through the New Horizons for Seniors Program, City of Vancouver, BC Arts Council, Community Impact Real Estate Society, and Opus Art Supplies for their generous support.


(578 Carrall Street)




該項目由眾印社和Powell Street Festival Society主辦,參與合作組織包括世代同堂,Carnegie Community Center和Oppenheimer Park,Gallery Gachet,nəc̓aʔmatct Strathcona,溫哥華仕達孔拿圖書館,以及我們的場地贊助商中山公園。

我們感謝以下機構對這個項目的慷慨支持:Vancouver Foundation, Government of Canada through the New Horizons for Seniors Program, City of Vancouver, BC Arts Council, Community Impact Real Estate Society, and Opus Art Supplies。


2019年1月27日 (周日) 下午2:00-4:30
中山公园内 (578 Carrall Street,场地赞助)




该项目由众印社和Powell Street Festival Society主办,参与合作组织包括世代同堂,Carnegie Community Center和Oppenheimer Park,Gallery Gachet,nəc̓aʔmatct Strathcona,温哥华仕达孔拿图书馆,以及我们的场地赞助商中山公园。

我们感谢以下机构对这个项目的慷慨支持:Vancouver Foundation, Government of Canada through the New Horizons for Seniors Program, City of Vancouver, BC Arts Council, Community Impact Real Estate Society, and Opus Art Supplies。